Thursday 11 October 2007

Disciple Report

Third addition to More stray??

As a part of my Disciple duties, I/Anemo provides the peepers for proofreading and removal of residual ??, from the sites crash last year. Some aspects I just do not have the capacity to fix and others I do.
Any tale that requires a little more 1:1 attention I’ll send a PM to the scribe. Then post it in the relevant forum, making a brief note here in my report.

What I’d like to see is that scribes take note of what they are creating during the inspiring writing and ensure that they try and make a Open Sapling or they please drop a note here. Though I think this thread should be moved to Anthology of names. Following the way that is set out in the first post. What do you think? Is this something that can be brought up and discussed at the Gods meetings?

Back to Characters:
Races of the dark:
Not listing all the headings. I like back linking but not that much.

Mirg's Story. Riddled with those strays that have been chased hopefully into oblivion. Just a couple of small typos that were fixed, for that was all they were, finger slips.
The Mothers and Fathers
Barak. Removed stray ?? from scribes notes and fixed some very minor spelling errors.
Picu. Removed the ?? from within the scribes notes.
Linthur. Removed the ?? from within the scribes notes.
Tul. Removed the ?? from within the scribes notes.
Casca Swequet. Removed the ?? from within the scribes notes.
Farli Redboots. Removed the ?? from with the scribes notes and one from the sapling hints.

Also want to add that I am reading all the tales. One checking for typos and two to try and assist myself with learning to write in the various arena’s. Learning by example of the ‘elite’ of LoM. Below you will find a list of what I have read and hopefully commented upon.
Reading recorded list: Most of these can be accessed through the recent comments on the left side bar. I’ve not listed them here as there are far too many.

Open Saplings:

Artara Qualtynn. Listed as a branch, but has the Open Sapling postings at the bottom of the page. Also was plagued with those ??, all removed. Also some very minor typos were corrected and the minor revision button was hit. Allowing the scribe to come back and restore to original. If they do please note that the ?? may return as well. Is the scribe still a contributing member of the site? Also the M-conn may require looking at, as when I hit Races of the dark. Nothing came up.
Ol' One Foot. Removed the ?? from scribes notes.
Yuri Sorefoot. Removed the ?? from scribes notes.
Shadowmane, Bane of the Light. Removed the ?? from scribes notes.

Miscellaneous: Within this heading you will find a wide range of little things that will over burden the Trolls. If you are a scribe and wanting to assist with writing a tale about one of these Races of the dark. I suggest that you do a little research and then go for it. Remember to contact the sage of the creatures or one of his representatives.

Second Banner Test. Another one that should be removed, trolls you may want to look at Acquill as it is missing the description and appropriate banner/s.

Dabbat: Requires some tales be scribed and a general idea of what they look like. A banner type image would be of advantage here.

Halfthings. Was it meant to read as Halflings? This could also do with a brief description. Also scribes, there is a need for some tales here.

Wookalar. This could do with a brief description of the race and also scribes there is a need for tales to fill this section.
Roadius 1
Roadius 2 Both of these are the same. One is the original sapling and the other is the newer character sketch.

Disciples of Quont. Can I ask why the other Mothers and Fathers do not have similar sub headings for their Disciples?

Nitalia Ristler. Attempted to remove the ?? from within the scribes notes, but found the edit button was lacking.

You know what has been great with all this reading. It is providing fodder for my thoughts and prospective tales. In going through each section as I am, there are plenty of opportunities for the furthering of the tales. Given that scribes wish to utilize some of their creations and establish some Open Saplings. It should also be said that many scribes should read more of the tales and use said information in their researching of their own prospective tales.

Also I’ve noticed that some of the texts/fonts used are smaller, this could prove to be a strain on some prospective readers eyes. Also the length of some of the tales, not everyone likes to read huge bodies of text. I know I’m a culprit for the exact thing. There is a generalized word count list about somewhere, I’m sure of it.

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