Wednesday 10 October 2007

Creator falls

G'day, I've been lax again. (Excuse me as I wince.....)

I was attempting to pull a bleeding milk thistle out of the garden. Bloody thing was taller than me! (5'7)
Guess what? I fell and have pulled the muscles on my left leg, rear of the thigh (Butt cheek) to my ankle. It feels like a permanent cramp and OMG it hurts! Plus I think I pulled a muscle in my groin. (Sympathies to anyone who has experienced this type of pain.) Its tuber root was massive. Yeah it came out of the ground as I fell.
This all happened on Sunday, so far my only day off too.

Forever the trooper (or idiot) I still went to work on the Monday. Foot patrol, was really slow and I felt like I had a target painted on me saying 'Pick on Red, she can't chase you.'
Seriously, not a good feeling.

However, disabled I still managed to call the police after some teens were smart mouthing and racing at me with their bikes. 'Go on bash him' they were calling out.

Never in my life have I raised my hand or fist to a child, no matter their age and plus this billy goats were not worth it.

What surprised me was how quickly the police responded. Instead of the usual 45 min + wait they were there within 5. Even tracking me down to ask me about the incident.

Let me just say there are two groups that give us curry. One are just verbal and we can deal with that easily. The other well....they have been known to chase pregnant women and attempt to beat them up, they put a star stake through another child's eye, they do run through's of peoples private residences, just to name a few. Now we are not as bad yet as a American counter parts, (Thanks the stars for that.) But it appears it may get that way eventually. Hopefully I'll have left foot patrols completely by then. Though I only do those on the odd occasion now and usually because I can't say NO to my employer.

So you see some of this teens do scare me at the very least. I may be trained and all, but I still cannot lay a unprovoked hand on them and certainly not when I am the only lone officer on site. (Enough whining there, my leg hurts.)

Tomorrow I have the day off....I am not answering the phone Land line and the mobile only after reading the number of the caller. Why? My leg and I want to devote some time to the Legends of Mernac. I have been a bad disciple of Elsens and need to finish the proofreading and other little jobs. Even if I don't get them all done. I need to make the attempt.
Plus I want to write some for myself. Actually, transcribe my spider scratches into legible sentences and paragraphs and hopefully get a tale or two out of them.

Also Anemo has been rattling about at a loss and she wants to go play in the Legends a bit. So I guess I had better let her run amok, I wonder if Canu will tease her into playing or whether Vickie will set her skirts alight. Traesha, now there is a soulless one that is hard to gauge. Anemo wonders what she's been up to and whom she may have devoured, she is after all a man eater.

I certainly hope the swelling eases. I go back onto Mobile Patrol on Thurs, but it still means getting in and out of the vehicle at regular intervals. Can't afford the time off, but might have to if it exacerbates the injury. Its a pain really as the boss (Evil homer, I call him at the moment.) has just brought a new car for me to drive. I so want to test it out...not thrash it, honestly!

Ok enough of my fall...and I hate whining.

Hi to all my new friends at Blogger! Waves and winces. You guys and Gals have some great blogs and I thank you all for joining my friends and neighbors lists. Do check out the other Gods and disciples blogs. We are all a friendly bunch at the Legends of Mernac. Join too, new writers are always welcome and so are readers for that matter.

Ouch....You know its hard when you have a hurt and you forget it for a moment and go and move. I wonder is it supposed to feel numb? Ok, I'm done. Going to read some blogs...Found a good one, with some good poetry. Plugged ya Dan!
Oh not forgetting the groups, check them out in my blogcatalog.

Limps off into the darkness..."Of course I have a maglite....its my penis envy!"


Quont said...

Oh my goodness! Sorry to hear about your fall and resulting injury. Youch! Yes, spend some time taking care of yourself for the next little while - you deserve it.

And yikes! I'm so glad I live in such a safe and quiet place. I couldn't imagine anything like that happening here... probably 'cause it's too cold to bother with such mischief. lol They'd just freeze their nuts off.

ND/Botr said...

Lol...I wish.
Yeah am resting the leg. Not sure if I should take a night off. I'll wait and see in the later am.

Traesha/Kachinadoll said...

Ouch! Pain is not a good thing and it really sucks when a lower limb is involved! Maybe you should get some down time until you get to feeling better.

I will send my evil minion kitty over to keep and eye on you and keep ya company. He is a wonder!

Take care of yourself little wind!

ND/Botr said...

Good news, its all fixed. A good masseuse and staying off my feet for a night and day, has done the trick.

I sent that Minion back, he kept thinking my legs were scratching posts...Ty for the loan, though it was funny to watch him flipping gold fish.