Week four
What is your dream Job?
My fortunate readers, my dream job. I've achieved as Anemo Eolic. It was something I was destined to be. I always knew there was something a little different about me. But once I started praying to Father Elsen. Things sort of started heading in the pre determined direction that was meant to be.
Who would not want to be the Ethereal Wind Element? Yes I know we have Vickielysia, the Ethereal Fire Element and who does not want someone with fiery warmth at their very finger tips? I do on occasion, especially when I've stuffed myself with too much chilly weather. My dear sister always puts a fire under my butt too. You know just to keep me moving or I'll just sort of hang in one spot and well I can honestly say not many Mernacians like it when I do that! Plus she is always good on having cookies on hand.
Then there is Goran Tulken, Ethereal Earth Master even though we tease our dear brother, he is still our brother and what else do siblings do! He is our grounding force, if it were not for him, I often wonder would we cease to exist?
Father Elsen, he is our benefactor and father and we should not give him any cheek. As he can be rather cruel at times. But he does not come near us very often as we all suffer some rather undesirable side effects.
Why the wind? Well I do suffer with a bit of bloating and well I can't help it if it just goes pppfftt on occasion. It is my thought that I have untapped wind energy potential, which offers homegrown energy, that being said. I can offer up my powers to any enterprising Mernacian that can harness some of my powers. But it ain't that easy to catch the wind. Easy to get wind, yes, just visit some of the Taverns around Mernac and you will be guaranteed of that.
Wind energy is clean energy that produces. No emissions, which means it doesn’t ... that I don't stink on occasion. You would too if you hung around some of the swamps, but do watch out for the creatures that inhabit these areas. In Toberna there are some great swamps. But do watch out for the Gnomes that enjoy attacking Hobala, there are a few rare ones that shape shift and sneak past the guards and boy when they do they give the Hobalain inhabitants a run for their mernals.
I'm waffling like a hot air balloon. He he....Wind is moving air. The Sun heats up some parts of the Earth more than others and the wind spreads this heat more evenly around the world. How do I blow? Air moves because of differences in pressure around the Legends of Mernac. It blows from a high-pressure area to a low-pressure area.
There are many different names for the winds that I tend to generate. These can be Jet streams, Upper winds (burps sort of), Surface winds (excuse me), Trade winds (Yeah I like playing in the sea, making ships, move as fast or slow as I wish.), localized wind (when I hover around blowing skirts up and pants down.), and of course my breezy little self that wanders along, just tickling and investigating.
How do Mernacians measure me? Well, let me think on that. I think there was a gnome that made some fiddly little contraption that swung around and pointed in the direction that I came from, but you know I think it was actually the women of Mernac that first noticed my effects. You know when they were hanging out the washed socks of their companions. Hence the wind sock. Did you know I could travel faster than any Mernacian on foot. That is so cool, but considered as cheating in the local racing.
By now most of you would know that I feed on the chilly winds, I do not like to hurt Mernacians at these times, but I do not want to go into Elemental Starvation. So I strongly suggest that Mernacians rug up during the chilly seasons. You see as the wind doesn't actually change the temperature outside, but the temperature you feel is not the air temperature but your skin temperature. A person will sense that it's colder because the wind steals body heat by blowing away warm air that surrounds the skin. This means the wind chill factor is not a factor for inanimate objects like rocks, buildings and snow – they will all maintain the same temperatures no matter how strongly the winds I blow. So if I give you a little Frostbite it is the result of your skin freezing. It causes swelling, redness, tingling and burning. Skin turns white and waxy as the frostbite progresses. Infection and loss of extremities can result. So I do sincerely apologise and again re-iterate rug up.
There are some animals with Mernac that do benefit from my winds ability and it saves them from extinction. As I get chilly near them their internal organs slowly freeze and they go into a type of hibernation. But once the weather warms, well they thaw out and start moving around. I'm also good at spreading seeds, though I've been known to drop some in places that really could ill afford it. I also tend to bet rather blustery and can drop down in a spiral, not giving much thought of where I land. It's during these times that my brother Goran gets rather annoyed with me. As I tear at his beautiful earth. Also my windy self can prove quite hazardous when Vickielysia is playing, I can spread her flames further and again have my brother waiting for me with a rock or two. So yes, I can be a little flighty and mysterious.
But then again I say, I have my dream job and some of the best co-workers, even though one throws rocks at me and the other tries to fill me with cookies. Our boss is elusive and we still manage to run amok through the lands of mernac.