Is a Halfling elf that is muscular and golden brown-skinned. with bottle-fed yellow hair, bluish gray eyes, he is easily spotted when he is within the Magicians Guild of Mispoint. Lariner is the Head Wizard of the Guild and has a keen interest in Brizmoltal Yasreeala. He carries a magical staff (your description required.) and wears the traditional cloak of a Wizard that oversees the Guild. However, his cloak is made from silk grubs and lined with the softest wools of Mernac.
The scribes and sages that know of these things say that the gnomes of Halfway Gorge sewed the gems into the cloak and that Lariner introduced power into the gems after its making. The cloaks are a mandatory of the Magicians Guild of Mispoint, their appearances can range in color and texture, and however, they must carry the 13 gems for the fathers, 7 gems for the mothers and 2 gems for the moons of Mernac.
Lariner when in his own rooms shows his eccentric personality as he likes to dress oddly and is interested mainly in puzzles that keep his mind quick and alert. Lariner is often found in the library of the guild debating with Windstorm dragon and is constantly on the hunt for a puzzle that will befuddle the dragons mind.
He likes travel and theatre, often travelling to other cities on the premise of visiting their respective Magicians Guild. Lariner’s primary skills are finding the answers to Conundrums and seeking to create a new form of life. He is adept with the use of offensive skills and spells that enhance the beneficial attributes of certain items. (You choose the items.)
© Findbotr July 2007
Original scribes notes:
Have fun with this one. However, do read the character sketch carefully. There are many opportunities to make this character a primary within the Legends of Mernac.
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