Anemo Eolic
To Tell us 3 little known things about yourself.
Well, let me see...Anemo taps her brightly colored nails on the branch she is sitting on. Hmm...My real name was Dury Lane. But maybe you know that already.
I love trinkets!, Oh you know that one!
I'm an air head at times. lol, well thats a given, considering I'm the wind element.
My this is a hard one...I know, my creator and I are nothing alike.
I had an adoptive sister and I too am a orphan or was.
There you go, I gave three. Creator, where are you hiding?
What Anemo? I'm busy working, you know the B&B that keeps this computer running. Oh Qounts asked a question. Oh is it that time of the week again? My time flies.
Three little known things about the creator.
I don't eat dairy or wheat products.
I'm an accessing parent to my older sons. (long story, might write it one day.)
I'm not a natural red head. he he he....
Legends of Mernac
One World...Endless Possibilities
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