Well we finally managed to make the time to pop the decorations on the tree. With
only a week left until the fat man comes to us all I think we did ok. Not the lighting extravaganza that we usually provide for this household, but at least it shows that we have a little of the cheer in us or we are at least trying for the lads sake.

We have our Christmas lists and I've learned to delegate. My brother is assisting with a small family event on the 21st. Picking Mum up from the Rehab center and bringing her home for the day so as she will be able to see my sister and nephew and their godfather. Its an annual thing for him to come up, he shouts lunch and provides gifts to all and sundry. My family and I are staying home for the morning at least then heading over to Port Melbourne for Hubbies family get together. Nana S, is providing for all and sundry and rang today to confirm, she even said if I need to nap; I can do so upstairs in the spare room. Its good that everyone is so understanding of all that is and has happened.

They did and they got a bedside table and some linen. Gentle nudges, they work. He he he. I then proceeded to make arrangements for our annual Boxing Day get together. Each CRU are now bringing my sisters to the house and the same applies for my nephew. Can I say I'm going to hate the phone bill.
My siser inlaw is picking Mum up on Christmas Day and she will stay the night, to ensure that everything is fine with Mum. Yes, I complained and loudly. About what I've been doing with little help.

Christmas Eve same hours as above. but without picking up sisters and nephew. Cook a small family roast, sleep and try not to complain about having a bowl full of bitchy for breakfast. Drive home that night, sleep. Boxing day drive to pakenham 2hours total, to pick up my sons for their Christmas with Mum; drive to Heathcote 1.5 hours. Prepare a family BBQ, pick up sisters and nephew. Celebrate and enjoy somehow. Drive all and sundry back to their homes. Drive to my home and crash into bed and oblivion.
Try not to forget Hubbies b'day, on the 27th, but need to work in evening. Hmmm. Delegate was the only option left and thats what I did. Call it selfish if you wish. But hey, the rest of the family had to help out or my hair would fall out completely and I'd have eaten too much bitchy for anyones liking.
Now Mum should be out of rehab on the 28th, so I'll need to check my roster and see what can be managed. My Brother won't be available as he is heading off on his holidays to the Phillipines, can't spoil his Christmas. My sister in law will do what she can if I give her enough notice. So for now I'm not planning past Hubbies B'day.
Why? Because I still have to go shopping. Not only for Christmas gifts; which look like gift vouchers at this stage and cards. But for groceries. I've not done a groceriy shop shop since before Mums stroke and well take away is way too expensive to keep up with for too long. Plus we need the incidentals, like toilet paper and the like. Can't use junk mail, though theres been plenty of that. LOL.

I ate a salad in the wee hours at home alone. Hubby and Boo were at my parents. I had peace and quiet that allowed me to watch the Nanny Diaries. But I fell asleep and don't know how it ended. Woke up feeling cool, so crawled into bed. Then in the am raced around doing house work and making phone calls. Then went to work.
Came home, Hubby and Boo home. Hubby undercooked ravioli and now I have a belly ache. Plus it was full duram wheat and well I can't really eat wheat products. So I'm suffering, for not speaking up. It'll pass, then the itchiness will start, which will pass as well. Though I need to remember not to scratch to hard, as I tend to tear my skin from my body.
Well, I'm done venting and am tired enough to sleep. Plus I've got to sort out a postal mess in the am and work in the arvo. One of the Fat mans representatives and a fairy is coming to the Mall and well, I've got children and parents to attend to. What fun, must remember to wear the cheery face and Santa hat. Thank the red suited man that 'Jacko' is working with me, if the kids and parents don't listen to instructions then he can yell to his hearts content. I'll just have to make sure I'm on the other side of the mall before he does. That way I won't need to get my hearing checked. The man can yell and he leaves your ears ringing or bleeding afterwards depending on your vicinity at the time.
So to you all I say once again. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May you all create wonderful memories and don't forget about those that are less fortunate than yourselves. A smile travels a long distance and a donated gift under a tree, provides a wonderful smile to a child's face. Yeah I'm a sucker, its Christmas and its for the kids.
See or read ya all soon. Look out for the six white Boomers....you'll hear them...oh and look out for the glaringly white legs of a board shorted man with a large white beard, thats not allowed to say HO HO HO and to all a Good night. Anemo chuckles.....its a down under thing!

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