Sunday, 27 May 2007

The Legends of Mernac Blogging Contest FREE fantasy fiction

As the WAR between Good & Evil plays out within the Book: The Battle for Traddlebow at the Legends of Mernac. SPORTS in the various blogs of the Gods that reside at The Legends of Mernac, play a major role in the grand scheme, what that is only the Gods know. FREE fantasy fiction

Magic is the world created by the many scribes and artisans.
Girls and Guys all take a role, whether its in the contests, writing, reading/critquing, providing art for the site, promotional work or just about everything. The site is for Adults and does have a strict R rating.
Politics there are none in Mernac, its be killed or survive!
Humor is necessary and it is good to have whether it is Dark, silly or a little Sexy.
Dragons reside within a variety of the tomes, both good and evil. It is a world of imagination and what would it be without the Mermaid, Fairy, Orcs, Giants, and other magnificent creatures, that resides within a writer/scribes/artisans mind.
Fantasy in everyone’s mind is different, but they key issues are for every good there is a evil (bad), what would the Fantasy world be like if it only had all Good characters? FREE fantasy fiction

All the linked words belong to the monthly blogging contest & its accompanying monthly art contest con-currently held within the Great and very much Good & Evil world of the Legends of Mernac. Therefore, consider yourself not only a blogger, but also a writer and would like to see your blog earn you some extra real cash. Join The Legends of Mernac and show us your Blog!

Visit - the great idea to Reading Story


Siberlee said...

oh wonderful references! Thank you for all the links

ND/Botr said...

Oh my! The Goddess dropped by and I had not put any Koomba treats out!

Thanks for stopping by, your welcome to stop by at any time! Bring thy friends!